Health and Safety Policy
Chepstow RFC
Date: 1st August 2024
Review Date: 1st August 2025
Table of Contents
Policy statement
Competent persons.
First aid.
Emergency services.
Risk identification and assessment
Risk assessment review..
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
Incident / accidents.
Availability and Review..
Chepstow RFC understands that there is a legal and moral obligation to keep people safe, regardless of the size of the Club, its income, or whether there are paid employees (including players). Organisations with fewer than 5 employees are not required by law to have written risk assessments. However, as Chepstow RFC operates with volunteers, we recognise our legal responsibility and duty of care toward them and therefore, we will aim to achieve the same high health and safety standards required of organisations with 5 or more employees.
Chepstow RFC commits to providing a safe environment for all members, volunteers, workers, and the public when they are taking part in Club activities or on Club premises. This policy clearly explains Chepstow RFC’s commitments around this, and how the Club will meet them. This policy does not form part of any contract and Chepstow RFC may update it at any time.
The person with overall and final responsibility for health and safety within Chepstow RFC is the Club Secretary. Their contact details are:
The person with day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is put into practice is Frank Maguire, Club Steward. Their contact details are:
This policy outlines the health and safety responsibilities of Chepstow RFC. Club members and other members of the public are also have a responsibility to:
Qualified first aiders are: See Appendix 1
First Aid facilities are located: In the Club House and with each team's first aider.
Telephones are located: In the Club House
In the event of an emergency, contact 999 and ask for either the police, the fire service or ambulance service as appropriate. Provide the operator with details of the emergency, and the location and contact details of Chepstow RFC (below). Remain on the line until you are told that you can disconnect the call.
Chepstow RFC will ensure that:
Chepstow RFC will proactively manage health and safety risks in the Club, for example risks associated with premises, activities, and equipment. Organisations with fewer than 5 employees are not required by law to have written risk assessments. However, as Chepstow RFC operates with volunteers, we recognise our legal responsibility and duty of care toward them and therefore, we will aim to achieve the same high health and safety standards required of organisations with 5 or more employees.
Organisations responsible for premises must ensure that their buildings comply with health and safety regulations. Chepstow RFC will assess the safety of premises in order to reduce risks associated with hazards such as slips and trips, manual handling, storing things at height, hazardous substances, electrical equipment or moving equipment, and the security of premises. Premises includes pitches, spectator areas, club house, bar area, changing rooms and showers, car parks etc. Consideration will be given to vulnerable people such as children, people with disabilities etc.
Chepstow RFC will assess the risks involved with any specific activities, such as normal play / training, tours etc. Particular consideration will be given to vulnerable people such as children, people with disabilities etc.
In addition to risks associated with health and safety, Chepstow RFC will also consider risks associated with premises and activities in relation to finance, legal issues, event management and the Club’s reputation.
Under various Regulations and Acts, all public and community buildings must reduce the risk of fire. Chepstow RFC will seek professional advice from the local fire service in respect of this.
The process of doing a risk assessment involves:
Chepstow RFC first and foremost aims to remove risk altogether wherever possible. Where that isn’t possible, Chepstow RFC aims to reduce risks by:
Written risk assessments will be prepared and reviewed or updated at least once a year.
Chepstow RFC will revise the risk assessments if there is evidence that they are no longer valid – for example if there have been significant changes to activities or premises. Risk assessments will also be reviewed if there is an accident, or a change to the law, or regulations. Copies of risk assessments will be kept in the Club and anyone who needs to read them (such as any workers, volunteers, contractors etc) can do so.
“Display Screen Equipment” (DSE) are devices or equipment that have an alphanumeric or graphic display screen and includes display screens, laptops, touch screens and other similar devices. Chepstow RFC does not anticipate that its workers will use DSE as a regular and significant part of their normal work (daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more). However, where workers are regular DSE users, Chepstow RFC will safeguard their health by:
Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use.
Anyone using electrical equipment is encouraged to look at it before using it and check for signs that it may not be in sound condition, such as damage to the cable or plug, visible internal cabling, burn marks etc.
Some electrical safety defects such as a broken earth wire can only be found by testing. Chepstow RFC will ensure that PAT testing is carried out by an appropriate competent person at appropriate intervals and will keep records of this.
Chepstow RFC will hold participation consent forms where the participant is under the age of 18.
Chepstow RFC will ensure that relevant and sufficient insurance in respect of public and employers’ liability is held. The Club will seek professional advice in respect of this.
All new workers / volunteers will receive instructional training on health and safety. Chepstow RFC will ensure that people involved with Club activities / providing instruction are trained and competent to do so.
Chepstow RFC will consult with employees, volunteers and members on matters affecting their health and safety as they arise.
Chepstow RFC will record all accidents and incidents in the accident book. This is kept behind the bar. This will be reviewed by the competent person(s) named above regularly so that any patterns can be identified, and steps taken to prevent further incidents or accidents.
Chepstow RFC will also record “near misses”, as these are an important way to identify problems which may become accidents in the future and take action to stop this from happening.
Some specific work-related incidents are reportable to the HSE. Chepstow RFC will comply with this requirement.
Any general concerns relating to health and safety should be reported to the competent persons named above as soon as possible.
Chepstow RFC will keep this policy available in the Club and on the Chepstow RFC website. Anyone who needs to read it (such as any workers, volunteers, contractors, members of the public etc) can do so.
The Committee will review this policy annually, or earlier if necessary.
Appendix 1
Reg No
Display Name
First Aider
Kimberley Lear
Under 7s
Mike Lear
Rebecca Beka Lear
Jonathan Taylor
Under 8s
Dione Trevelyan
Under 9s
Sally Blandford
Under 10s
Sarah Bishop
Under 11s
Sophie Johnson
Matt Barnby
Under 12s
Brennig Southway
Deborah James
Under 13s
Elliot James Bailey
Anne Barker
Robert Barker
Steven Powell
Under 14s
Benjamin Smith
Under 15s
Joseph Geer
Under 16s
1st Team
Max Parry
Dean Thomas
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